What is the JumpTask Mode?

The JumpTask Mode allows you to collect your Honeygain earnings in the crypto currency, JumpTokens (JMPT) with sweet bonuses. More earnings, less fees, withdraw whenever you wish. Let’s jump in?
Honeygain free money

Here are the sweet benefits

Enable in 3 easy steps

Go to Dashboard

Look for the wallet toggle button in up right corner of your dashboard.

Sign up with JumpTask

Register for a JumpTask account to get your Honeygain bonus.

Add your account ID

Sync your JumpTask account with Honeygain and enjoy your bonus!

Enable the JumpTask Mode in your Dashboard to enjoy the sweet benefits! Or watch a how-to video to learn more.

Frequently asked questions

Is it worth switching to JumpTask Mode?

How can I transfer Honeygain credits to JumpTask?

Why can’t I see JumpTokens in my crypto wallet?

Why can’t I find JumpTokens in my JumpTask dashboard?

Ready, set and earn free money!

Join today to get sweet income passively!