5 Best Low-Maintenance Businesses for Extra Income

Low-maintenance business ideas
Aug 10, 2023 min_read

Need ideas on the best low-maintenance businesses for extra income because everybody is pushing you to start your own? We got you. There are hundreds of low-maintenance business ideas floating around the internet but being a business owner entails a lot of responsibilities.

Don't worry because it's not as bad as you think. While you'll need to occasionally manage your business, take an online course from time to time, or invest some money, you'll get passive income and a successful business as a result.

If you want a profitable business, you should consider the startup costs, initial investments, and effort required to launch it. While online businesses don't need a lot of money to start, your passive income might come slower.

Also, something like a print-on-demand business can generate passive income within the first few months, you'll need to continuously update it to reach your financial goals. Various business ideas yield different profits, so keep that in mind when choosing the best fit for you!

What Are Some Low-cost Business Ideas?

A low-maintenance business idea starts with you — consider your hobbies, passions, and strengths. You can also apply your work skills and multiply your money! Once you identify it, you can start your own business and earn passive income with these low-maintenance business ideas.

Start a Laundromat Business

Interesting, right? Many people live in small studios, and some don't even have room for washing and drying machines. That's where you step in! You can find a place to rent in a crowded living area and purchase a few laundromats to get started.

Most of the machines will automatically accept payments, and you can keep your business open 24/7. It's one of the relatively low-maintenance businesses considering you can outsource cleaning staff, CCTV systems, and more.

Launch Vending Machines

People crave various snacks whether it's on campus, near office buildings, or near public transport stops. Vending machines are a lifesaver if you're in a rush or just want something sweet (or savory!). Considering the low-maintenance part, you'll simply need to order suppliers to restock your vending machines.

You can go as far as customizing your vending machines with themed snacks or food from different cultures. Japan has an interesting concept of healthy snacks such as packaged fruit, yogurts, and seaweed chips. Get creative with your business ideas, and you'll earn passive income in no time!


Start A Self-service Car Wash

Every car owner knows how damaging car wash tunnels are. You ruin the paint job, get scratches on your impeccable bumper, and waste a lot of money. Self-service car washes have been on the rise as people would rather pay less and do it themselves.

You can become a business owner a self-service car wash spot and make money. It's a great low-maintenance business idea as you'll need to make sure your self-service car wash service doesn't malfunction and has enough water supply!

Teach Online Courses

One of the best ideas with low startup costs is to start an online course. Many people don't have the funds to invest in a laundromat business, but teaching an online course requires only your knowledge and your laptop!

You can prerecord lessons about time management, professional skills, or your hobbies, and upload them to e-learning platforms like Udemy. It's one of the best low-maintenance businesses that's rewarding because you get to share your knowledge with others!

Start An Affiliate Marketing Business

The old age of influencer marketing is gone. Now, if you want passive income, you have to get on with affiliate programs. Even if you're a small creator or a business owner, you can monetize your channel by becoming an affiliate for other brands.

Alternatively, you can start your own affiliate marketing agency or program! It's one of the great low-maintenance business ideas that you can easily build. Write down some basic rules and requirements for your affiliates, provide some benefits, and spread the word!

Become An Owner Of A Low-Maintenance Business

Whether that's owning vending machines, laundromats, or teaching online courses, there are hundreds of low-maintenance business ideas! Remember to evaluate your goals and resources before launching a new endeavor.

Don't forget to earn passive income besides your vending machine business! Honeygain provides you an effortless way to make money and cover any daily expenses.


